Commercial and industrial drainage roof system, E Industrial engineering

Since many business roofs are flat, drainage systems are crucial since stagnant water can seriously harm the roof. In order to determine which commercial and industrial drainage system is appropriate for a company like E Industrial Engineering, there are many different types available.

The value of drainage systems

Drains collect channelled water and remove it from the roof, preventing damage to the interior and exterior.

If there is no drainage system in place, water collects on the roof, compromises the barrier membrane, and leaks inside. If this happens, it may necessitate costly repairs to the building’s interior as well as the roof. It is essential to have a suitable drainage system on the property because leaks can result in both little issues like peeling paint, water stains, and mould as well as major issues like inventory or product damage and operational delays.

The two primary drain system types

You have two main alternatives to take into account when choosing the roof drainage system:

1. Gravity – To allow water to drain from the roof, the system relies on gravity. Diversely sloping sections work together to channel water from the roof by flowing to a single inside drain.

Siphonic flow: This is independent of gravity. Instead, a piece that prevents air from entering the drain is affixed to the drain’s mouth. Because of this, the drain’s interior has low atmospheric pressure, which allows water to enter and flow freely without the need for a graded slope.

Commercial roof drains come in 4 different varieties.

1. Gutters – While more frequent in residential settings, gutters may also be built on the margins of commercial buildings’ roofs to collect rainwater and channel it into a downspout, which allows water to drain off the surface without even coming in contact with the building’s side. In order for gutters to function properly, the roof must have a modest incline so that water may enter the gutter with ease.

2. Downspouts: The gutter and this roof drainage system are the same. By transferring the water to the ground, it functions in conjunction with the scupper. This takes the shape of a pipe that is attached to the building’s side.

3. Scuppers – A scupper, a hole or channel built into the roof’s sidewalls that functions like a gutter by letting water flow freely off the roof, is a type of commercial roof drain. The scupper facilitates water flow via the gutter as it moves along the roof’s side before it connects with a downspout or gutter.

4. Internal Drains – To collect rainwater, many commercial buildings have an internal drain beneath the surface of their roofs. A centre is a typical place for a drain since it is where water accumulates the most or where there is a downhill grade.


The sort of drain you want, the type of drain the roof can work with, and the advice of the professionals all factor into the decision of the roof drainage system. However, the process is less perplexing once you are aware of your options.